Kitchen Tricks to a Lower Your Electric Bill

Reduce home energy

Your kitchen is one of the biggest energy hogs in your household. Using the following tips will not only help you reduce home energy costs and decrease your environmental footprint but can also significantly drive up the resale value of your home.
Replace Energy Hogs
When it is time to replace your older appliances, consider choosing energy efficient models. These are often much less expensive than you think, especially since many of them qualify you for substantial tax breaks. You are also likely to make up the initial cost through monthly saving in your energy bill.
Fine Tune Your Fridge
Your refrigerator is one of the biggest energy users in your home. If your thermostat is set too low, you may be expending nearly 25 percent more energy than necessary.
Use Cold Water to Reduce Home Energy
Forego washing your dishes in hot water when cold will do the job just as well. Water hot enough to truly disinfect your dishes would need to be scalding, typically far hotter than what is used by a home dishwasher unit anyway. While you are at it, wait until your dishwasher is completely full to run it. Use all your Tetris skills to take full advantage of all available space. The refrigerator should be no colder than 37 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit while your freezer should stay between zero and five degrees Fahrenheit.
Moderate your Oven Use
Your oven is an electrically expensive item. Consider cooking multiple items at once when it is in use. If you are cooking smaller items, use a toaster oven. A toaster oven can generate the same heat output at about half the energy use. When you do use your oven, maximize its heat generation, especially during the cold winter months. Open your kitchen doors to the rest of the house to allow open air flow, maximizing heat distribution.
Don’t let these energy vampires suck you dry. Initiating these few simple kitchen tricks to a lower electric bill can drastically decrease your footprint as well as your monthly expenditures.